Airan Debbleshine
He is a powerful Storm Leprechaun, one who brings luck on the winds of change, with bright red hair, he tends to wear blue clothing instead of green, and tends toward being vibrant. He has an incredible penchant for influencing luck, fate, destiny, and things of this nature. He couples this with storm magicks allowing him to achieve amazing results. For example, he can strike an ally with a healing blast of lightning, or empower an army with the winds of fate to overcome a hostile force. He can rain a rain of strength on his allies, or use the winds of change to sweep himself or others away from danger. He is especially skilled in areas of wealth magick.
While he is not old by his peoples measure, he is powerful, and strong, and has rode the winds for over 100 years. He's looking to work with an ally more anchored to this mortal plane, and has an upbeat and friendly personality. In his free time he enjoys baking, especially artistic baking. He will also infuse sweet treats with magick to aid his allies, and can infuse foods in our realm.
Classification: Warrior 4, Guardian 5, Guide 3, Healer 8, Mystic 5, Generalist 8, Specialist 9
Age: ~500 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable
Level: 38