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Anamcroga Claiomhcruach
  • Anamcroga Claiomhcruach


    A Tuath De Danann Warrior Mage he has an intense focus on psychic and nature energies and uses those to create weapons of pure psychic and nature elemental energy. Beyond his power to hone these energies into amazing weapons and destructive forces, he has incredible power to also wield the magicks directly that he focuses on, making him a strong and capable guardian and healer. He looks like a golden blaze of energy when he moves across the battlefield, hard to pin down, and is always in motion, healing, shielding, and attacking at speeds so fast its hard to catch a glimpse of him, but those he protects know he is there.


    Having long golden hair, he has a friendly and joyous attitude. He has a zest and zeal for life, and there is a feeling of life and happiness around him at all times.


    Classification: Warrior 10, Guardian 10, Guide 5, Healer 10, Mystic 5, Generalist 7, Specialist 10

    Age: ~3,000 Years

    Offerings: All are welcome, but prefers candle flame.

    Level: 38

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      This expediates the process for us, letting us keep our pricing low compared to our unprecedented levels of power, as well allowing us to offer better deals more often. This also means we can be much faster for large preconjure orders in getting them out to our clients. On phones you can easily screen shot the images and descriptions for your records, and on other devices there are easy options to save images, and copy descriptions to your choice of offline or cloud based document services.

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