A nature spirit who appears as a white bearded gnome with cyan colored clothes, he is a master of wind and air magicks. He rides the winds of storms as easily as an expert horseman rides a thoroughbred trained by a master. His skills in wind magick are impressive, but he also has a unique power to use the wind to bring new ideas, inspirations, and methods of thinking. This ability relies on the secondary association of the wind/air with thought and mind. Focusing heavily on air/wind energies and magick, he's also very skilled at opening up roads of communication and helping with instilling mental gifts and powers to those around him. His skills make him an amazing guide, and amplifier for those around him.
Helpful, friendly, kind, and generally easy to get along with, he enjoys life and self expression. When not socializing with other members of a keep he can often be found working on art projects, especially sculpture. He enjoys carving sculptures in a way that they appear like the wind is present in their style.
Classification: Warrior 5, Guardian 4, Guide 10, Healer 4, Mystic 6, Generalist 4, Specialist 10
Age: ~800 Years
Offerings: He prefers incense offerings, but all are welcome.
Level: 32