Braham Goldshackle
A Dwarf who heralds from the energies of Jupiter as part of his lineage, he has a special connection to gold and wealth energies. With brown hair and clothes, and often wearing gold jewlery, he is a prosperity mage. He has powers that influence areas of law, wealth, business, and money. Because of this, he adorns himself in luxury, but does not look down on others with less. He sees finances and power in line with possessions as a flowing river that moves from person to person, and that he is simply a navigator of the many tributaries of it to ensure he is where he wants to be. He brings this to keeper and keep. He is not stingy, believing that which is given will come back twenty fold, and he is proven right.
Personality wise he is cheerful, bold, and easy to get along with. In his free time he enjoys relaxation and the finer things. When he is active, it is to bring prosperity. He's a fantastic guide, seeing the world as a give and take, and helpful even in situations not concerning money, wealth, or prosperity. Where a problem exists, there is a solution that involves rising above that problem through self betterment, and he'll find it.
Classification: Warrior 2, Guardian 1, Guide 10, Healer 3, Mystic 6, Generalist 1, Specialist 10
Age: ~600 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable to him.