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Ebkinenezer Moonwater
  • Ebkinenezer Moonwater

    $320.00 Regular Price
    $160.00Sale Price

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    Lunar Gnome wearing gray blue clothes and hat, with a long white beard, he is a dream walker and dream worker. He often sails on a boat made of moonlight, which moves incredibly fast through the dream realms, and has amazing defensive properties in dreams. He is a potent dream worker with good skills in dream manipulation, as well as a sorcerer who uses dream magicks. He can take the fears from a nightmare and turn them into a shield against it, or take the power of a pleasant dream and shift the world in favor of it. He is a student of Lunar Magicks, and studies all magick related to the moon.


    While friendly, he is very focused, and has a dry sense of humor. When not on a task, or traveling the dream realms, he tends to be exploring new inventions as a bit of a tinkerer.


    Classification: Warrior 4, Guardian 6, Guide 4, Healer 4, Mystic 9, Generalist 8, Specialist 8

    Age: ~900 Years

    Offerings: All are acceptable.



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