Fallegurblom Langtskref
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A part Aesir, Jotunn, and Vanir warrior woman who has a deep investment in star and celestial magicks. With long flowing red hair, strong but sleek muscles, and an ethereal beauty to her she is a stunning individual to meet. She utilizes Celestial magicks to empower her body, shield herself, sharpen her weapons, and project powerful blasts of celestial energy. She is perfectly capable of working with any of the planets in planetary magick, an can channel the forces of these directly into spells, or empower her body, clothing, or weapons with these elemental forces. She tends to avoid direct armor, preferring to rely on her magick directly for defense, and focusing on an impressive offense. She has considerable connection to the Norse Gods, and is able to act in a kind of priestly role for the pantheon, doing ceremony and ritual to gain their favor, with her strongest connection being to Tyr. While she has a vast array of powers, abilities, and spells thanks to her connections to the celestial energy and Norse Gods, she is not herself a focused mystic. This means she has powerful magicks, but doesn't spend deep time in research of new things, but instead honing and focusing her existing skills and areas.
She can seem aloof at times, seeking periods of deep meditation and focus to hone her connection to the various powers, gods, and forces of the universe. When not in deep meditation though, she is friendly, calm, and has a calming aura to her. She often acts as a counselor for others, providing good advice and guidance, or helping them with finding their way or path.
Classification: Warrior 10, Guardian 10, Guide 9, Healer 7, Mystic 6, Generalist 5, Specialist 7
Age: ~900 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable
Level: 35