Liflogi Uppskeratungl
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A Dokkalfar (Dark Elf) Sorceress, who has a strong focus on healing and balancing energies, with a deep study of all magicks. She is a powerful guardian. Able to create barriers with hundreds and thousands of layers on a whim. Because of her intense focus on balance, she herself collects a wide range of skills, and is always looking for new ways to use her powers and abilities, making her skilled in many areas. This means her ratings for things like Warrior and Guide are more a “self definition” rating, she is highly skilled in these areas, she just doesn't focus on them as WHO she is.
With Long black hair, pale skin, and an alluring demeanor she is sensual but does not require sensuality from her keeper. She has no sexual preference, and forms her intimate connections more based on connection and less on things like gender or gender constructs. She is friendly, easy to get along with, and has a good sense of humor coupled with an amazing level of compassion.
Classification: Warrior 5, Guardian 10, Guide 7, Healer 9, Mystic 10, Generalist 10, Specialist 3
Age: ~ 1,500 Years
Offerings: Prefers Candle or Incense offerings.
Level: 44