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A powerful Mercury Being, appearing as a man with a large black top hat, and satin red suit, he wears black round sunglasses and has a calm expression. His primary powers are around drawing information to himself, and creation powers. He has the ability to draw information from a local area, almost like a wide area Psychometry, and can focus it hundreds of miles away with some effort. Those hundred miles don't need to be in a linear direction either, he can project into other dimensions and realms, and draw knowledge from there. Using this, he can then hone and work his magicks in new and fantastic ways. He is one who studies creation magicks, the ability to produce something from nothing, but also has a deep love of learning that causes him to study all forms of magick to some degree. His vast knowledge and wisdom makes him a phenomenal guide.
He is generally calm and focused, and is not the kind to have hobbies and other interests. His interest is learning, growth, and experience. He is loyal to his keeper and keep, but has almost a disregard to those outside of it, unless they have value to his keeper and keep.
Classification: Warrior 4, Guardian 4, Guide 10, Healer 5, Mystic 10, Generalist 2, Specialist 7
Age: Timeless
Offerings: No Preferences.
Level: 41