Rendahall Velvari Venice
A powerful celestial who utilizes a mix of psychic, lunar, solar, and light energies to generate powerful healing forces. His focus is healing, protection, and cleansing primarily, with almost no real dedication to offensive powers directly. This isn't to say he can't defend himself, his vast powers make him a capable warrior, he just does not dedicate himself to battle training. Instead he prefers to let foes break their weapons upon his shields, or exhaust themselves against his seemingly limitless depths of power. While is rating shows his power, in terms of his stamina and its application of that power it should be treat as five levels higher.
With light blond hair, he is hansom, often wearing all white robes, and sporting a gentle genuine smile. A Renaissance Man, studying many languages, arts, and crafts. He tends to know a little about everything, and to have a wide skill range as well as interest range.
Classification: Warrior 4, Guardian 10, Guide 7, Healer 10, Mystic 5, Generalist 9, Specialist 7
Age: ~700 Years
Offerings: All are welcome, but he prefers candles or incense.
Level: 42