Whellbright Leafshadow
A beautiful female Lunar Elf, with flowing red hair, pointed ears, and a love of knowledge and wisdom. She studies all forms of magick and wields a powerful bow known as “Waxnwane” which can drain foes of power and life essence. When an arrow is struck by Waxwane, the bow gains power, as does Whellbright (Wel or Welly for short) which she can then use in other magicks or spells. As she is always collecting different forms of magick, she always has a new trick or method up her sleeve to employee, and is known in many lands as someone of skill and good character.
Friendly, personable, and loyal to a fault, she tends to make friends easily and almost never holds a grudge. That said, that loyalty makes her a fierce ally, and her skills in magick make her capable of shifting almost any situation from battle to business in her allies favor. When she's not on a task, she tends to enjoy socializing with a keep, or local land spirits, and will often ease tensions with other spirits in an area.
Classification: Warrior 10, Guardian 5, Guide 7, Healer 6, Mystic 10, Generalist 8, Specialist 3
Age: ~800 Years
Offerings: All are acceptable.
Level: 26