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Awakenings and Accidental Thoughtforms

Writer's picture: CharlesCharles

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Awakenings and Accidental Thought Forms

It runs across my desk about once or twice a month when a client has an issue with one or the other energy type system, an awakening, and then a thought form. Generally speaking the first steps of dealing with this are the identification process, finding out that it is a thought form they are dealing with. The reason for this is that there is a need to believe it to be anything else. No one wants to think of an awakening as a bad thing, and no one wants to believe that somehow they've created their own problem. So this identification problem becomes harder. Further it gets complicated because to most a thought form could appear as a spirit or other kind of entity. This goes into “we see through the lens we work through” and when we see the world as “spirits and beings” then everything is a spirit and a being.


The “I have a hammer so everything is a nail” mentality can be seen in cultures world wide. Shaman that work with spirits exclusively see a “bad spirit” in a persons emotions, or a “restless land spirit” in the area that is “tied” to the person. Often in these systems there is a guided method to put the “spirit” to rest through a large amount of psycho-drama, direction of thought, energy, and intention. Ritual, dance, song, and even long extreme physical trials.

In other traditions, everything is seen as an energy imbalance and the idea of a spirit being around is more something seen to happen alongside that imbalance, or as a result of it. Likewise the “spirit” may be just a manifestation of the imbalance mixing with the subconscious mind of of the person experiencing the situation.

This is why the first step is identifying the problem, and often times that means a deep examination of it through various methods of divination, testing against it with personal banishing rights, and seeing what does and doesn't work. This is a long part of the process I'm not going to get to in this article but say that at this phase we are moving into having confirmed “It's not a spirit, banishing it doesn't work, and all tests show that it is either an awakening, a thought form, or both.”

The Awakening Process

Awakening is NOT always pleasant. We need to recognize this first before going any further. Pulling from the negative aspects of a Kundalini in the Wikipedia we have the following.

  • Heightened sense of smell, heightened hearing and sexual sensations

  • Change in breathing

  • Energy rushes or feelings of electricity circulating the body

  • Involuntary jerks, tremors, shaking, itching, tingling, and crawling sensations, especially in the arms and legs

  • Intense heat (sweating) or cold, especially as energy is experienced passing through the chakras

  • Spontaneous pranayama, asanas, mudras and bandhas

  • Visions or sounds at times associated with a particular chakra

  • Diminished or conversely extreme sexual desire sometimes leading to a state of constant or whole-body orgasm

  • Emotional upheavals or surfacing of unwanted and repressed feelings or thoughts with certain repressed emotions becoming dominant in the conscious mind for short or long periods of time.

  • Headache, migraine, or pressure inside the skull

  • Pains in different areas of the body, especially back and neck

  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and touch

  • Trance-like and altered states of consciousness

  • Disrupted sleep pattern (periods of insomnia or oversleeping)

  • Change in body odor (sweetness/natural/healthy)

Some of those negatives might not sound so bad, when they are under your control but an uncontrolled awakening means they are NOT under your control, you no long have the ability to move into and out of the state of normal day to day operation and for example trance state.

Recognizing some of the features of a Kundalini Awakening share great similarities between spiritual assault is it any wonder the two are often confused for each other?

Thoughtform powered awakenings and Kundalini Awakenings differ in that there is an intellect, often with thought of its own, created from the awakening. This may be from the massive upsurge of power the awakening has granted being funneled into the fear of a “spirit attacking” and solidifying effectively what most would consider a servitor. It may be also something that happens over time as a result of the awakening process and a continual feeding into the emotions and “certainty” that it is a spirit on the attack. This certainty gives it solidity, look up thought form creation for more information, and the natural upsurge of power from the awakening means very little needs done to empower this beyond certainty.

For a normal awakening I often recommend Reiki sessions, Kundalini Balancing Meditations, working with crystals associated with the chakras, change of diet, QiGong and QiGong Breathing, TaiChi, ZaZen to clear and focus the mind, mental and energetic exercises, and a host of other things including but not limited to rest. For a Thoughtform empowered by an awakening though we have to go a bit further.

Thoughtforms and Awakenings

The Energy System

To solve any problem we must understand the problem further. While balancing those chakras or the energy system you work with will help reduce the Thoughtform it is not the only, or even always the best solution. At this point it is something created from you, and in some ways given power by your certainty. We do need to address the energy system first though in order to progress further. Most people when asked how their chakras are will say “I feel fine.” To put this into perspective, I operate at a fairly “high energy level” for most people, not to brag. However after a Reiki session I had a brutal awakening a few years back. The Reiki practitioner was an expert in her field, one of the best if not THE best I've met, looks at me and says “Your sacral chakra is gone.” I was kind of taken aback at that and she said after that “This makes no sense, you have a LOT of power, its like you rooted AROUND the sacral chakra when it took damage, its like you built a tunnel around it on instinct.” This was during a dark time in my life as it concerned sexuality (the core of the sacral chakra) and the emotions from those events had effectively killed my sacral. I felt fine, other than having no sex drive at the time, and it was impossible for me to really diagnose myself because to my perspective everything was working OK. I considered the emotional responses untied to the chakras, and made a large series of what I call “novice errors” in self diagnosis. Still I present this story here to bring the point, you probably can't diagnose your own chakras unless you spend days and days in chakra balancing meditations, hours upon hours, so that you move past your own internal illusions. You might FEEL fine, and not be.

So in this case we have to address the issue of the energy system without self diagnosis in the form of “how do I feel” but more “what might I be hanging onto.” In this we address the energy system directly in the form of our past, our current thoughts, and what we have went through. We bypass the initial “how does it feel” and look more at “what does it do.” We are going to go over each chakra here and look at what can cause an impact on them in the overactive form. The reason we focus on overactive chakras is because the very nature of an empowered thoughtform is that it is drawing from a strong energy point.

Crown Chakra:

This chakra generally speaking is either under-active, or working fine. If it's under-active the ability to use energy, project, and other things may be hampered. In cases like this we focus on the next chakras as bringing them to a proper state of alignment promotes good flow into this one.

Third Eye Chakra:

Overactive: When the Third Eye is overactive we SEE and EXPERIENCE the spiritual world too intensely. We may be unable to pull ourselves out of states of trance slipping into them too easily. We may be “unable to silence” things we hear, or “unable to stop seeing” because of an overactive Third Eye. This is generally caused by focusing ONLY on perception without balancing the rest of the energy system.

Solution: Focus on more mundane tasks, things that are grounding in day to day life. This may sound very difficult but some meditations are designed for this. Meditations like ZaZen are infinitely useful when done properly in the form of “Just Sitting” as we focus on the mundane task of sitting. Meditative walks through the forest are also useful for this.

Throat Chakra:

Overactive: A need to talk constantly, a feeling of not being heard or listened to, a constant interrupting of others. A mouth, throat, and to some degree ear issues are connected to this. You might feel like you are being choked, or otherwise feel a pressure on the throat.

Solution: Thoughtful speech is the pinnacles of the easiest ways to do this. Another though is to practice mantra meditations very slowly. In forcing ourselves to slow down and do a mantra as slowly as possible we use the voice to correct the throat chakra directly. Slowing down the physical slows down the metaphysical just as slowing down the metaphysical would slow down the physical.

The Heart Chakra:

Overactive: A loss of personal boundaries, uncontrolled emotional states, a feeling of pressure in the chest, giving more of yourself than you reasonably can, chest pains, emotional swings, and a general feeling of being rushed are connected to an overload in this chakra.

Solution: The best solutions for the heart chakra are to balance that energy by focusing on relaxation techniques. Meditations meant to relax, such as guided meditations, can be beneficial here. Lightning some incense that has a relaxing scent. Taking a day to pamper ourselves and focus only on us is another good start. Focusing on the self in meditation, again a variation of ZaZen is good for this, but also exercises that strengthen the self such as QiGong are beneficial for this one. This is the most common overactive chakra, because emotional turmoil sets it into spin. It is connected to love, loss, and things of that nature. Therapy may be recommended in extreme situations.

The Solar Plexus Chakra:

Overactive: A need to dominate others, strong pains in the abdomen, strong intense anger, a need for control, a feeling of being out of control, a sense of greed, overeating, and a lack of compassion for others are all symptoms of an overactive solar plexus chakra. In dealing with a thought form or an awakening often times this chakra becomes hyper charged as we “grow angry” at the “intruder” and this feeds it more than we could expect.

Solution: Meditations on love, especially mantras like the Om Mani Padme Hum, or other types of meditation are useful for balancing this chakra. Focusing on self control, or exercises that require self control but don't extend to others can help gain control over this chakra. Solving puzzles that require fine tuned skill, or practicing an art form that requires good self control are a must. Breathing exercises are excellent for the Solar Plexus Chakra as most forms of QiGong breathing focus on this area and are about controlling the body directly. As we gain more self control and loose the need to control others, as well as anger at being unable to control the outside world we slow this chakra down to proper spin.

The Sacral Chakra:

Overactive: Addiction, hyper sexuality, strong sexual feelings, pressure in the sex organs, the feeling of having sex, a need to imbibe more in drink or food, restlessness, and the general feeling of sexual activity are a core part of this. This chakra is one of the more common overactive chakras related to a thoughtform empowered by an awakening. At first the increased sexuality, and the feelings of sex are welcome. As the potential that we are dealing with a spirit as the core problem, or perhaps a spirit was the problem but is then banished, the thought form steps in and feeds on the chakra. Fear mixes in with the strong sex drive and the base instincts. Since on some level this feels good we tend to want to give into it more. An overactive sacral chakra is a major part of this phenomenon. Solution: Awareness is again the key, no pun intended, with working with this chakra. Abstinence from pleasures including rich foods, sexuality, meat, and other things can help with this. Spending time in contemplation of what is right for you, what you really want, and focusing on the image of that is also useful. Meditations like QiGong can help balance this, but only once one can move energy more directly. The best solutions involve moving the energy toward the heart chakra and then to the crown. More than anything it is important to focus on control of our own actions, control of our own impulses. As this chakra becomes reduced in power the back and forth “pleasure for power” cycle with the thought form breaks down. After a certain point the thoughtform looses power and destabilizes if this is its only source. By this phase emotions like fear have entered into the mix as well.

The Root Chakra:

Overactive: Anxiety, inability to concentrate, jitteriness, fear, a feeling of being attacked, pressure on the based of the spine or back, a feeling of being under threat, the sense that a presence is near, digestive issues, and an inability to relax or enjoy life.

Solution: The root chakra is best handled by first making sure we ARE safe, after that we move on to the chakra directly. It is no good to assure the fear, if the fear is valid. Once with that though we should look at ways of strengthening ourselves. If QiGong and other energy techniques were mentioned before NOW they become paramount. When we are strong, and certain in our strength, fear is removed from the equation. Fear can not exist in the certainty of safety. Practicing acts of kindness can help us draw energy away from the root chakra, as can focusing on a connection to our spirit more and our body less. The Root Chakra is tied into the body, so focusing on concepts like enlightenment and mantras centered around that are useful as well.

The Shadowself

This is another aspect of Awakening that can happen when the shadowself becomes an active force in our world. This has to do with repressed emotions, focusing on “this is not me” in our thought patterns, and generally sectioning off parts of ourselves. The more we push down what we consider negative aspects of the self as being a secondary part of us, the more we empower a shadow self. It's beyond the scope of this document to get into the Shamanic Journey methods most useful in confronting the Shadow Self, but needless to say the confrontation resolves itself in the acceptance and integration of those aspects as a part of the self. It is more than just lip service though, one can not simply say “I no longer have a shadowself” one must have reached a point where the integration of these aspects is now fact. A shadowself can feed into a thought form, or a thoughtform could simply be an expression of the shadowself.

Confrontation With The Thoughtform

We've started siphoning off its fuel supply, getting rid of its power source, by balancing out our chakras, what is next though is stopping a rogue thought form empowered by an awakening. It is important to understand that while much of this involves strengthening the self, strong mental discipline, and an iron will there are also other factors. In the right measure many actions can disrupt a thoughtform, where in the wrong measure they empower it. This is because any action in direct conflict with the thoughtform is acknowledging it and feeding into it. Conflict oriented measures with the thoughtform should always be focused on empowering ourselves, not simply defeating and destroying the thoughtform.

Recognize the Thoughtform is part of you:

Even if it is independent on some level, it still feeds from your fears, actions, and in some ways your thoughts. If it were truly independent it would go away, find easier pray, or find someone willing to feed it. Instead it is tied to you, and this recognition means you can steel some of its power. In recognizing it as yours, you recognize you have some authority over it. It might be much at first, maybe enough that by telling it to be silent, or go away, with force you can push it away. It may just be recognition that you can control where your energy goes with focus, so in moments of fear you can direct your own energy back to yourself and away from the thought form. The important part is to recognize it is a part of you still. Any action, direction, or method that goes away from this lessens your control and power over the thought form and gives it the ability to function autonomously with the mask of “this is something else.”


Eventually you will wind up confronting the thoughtform. This may be a direct confrontation in the planes, or in a mental realm, or it may be a physical projection of energy in a shout or banishing. In small doses this can be good. It reaffirms your power, and removes the thoughtforms strength when you defeat it. However in another way if done repeatedly it only serves to fuel it. If you fight and opponent who is not real time and time again until they seem real you only feed it power. The sense of satisfaction found in defeating it is replaced by defeat as you face it time and time again. Use direct conflict with energy and focused intensity as a last line of action.

Strengthen the Self:

Strengthening the self through spiritual techniques and practices means honing your energy, will, and self control abilities. In strengthening the self and taking on practices that strengthen you spiritually you grow stronger, and you gain the awareness to DIRECTLY control your energy, thereby cutting off energy leaks, and putting a stop to the thoughtforms existence.


This is a double edged sword. Often times banishing work for a day, or two, at first. Sometimes even a week before it returns. The problem with banishing a thoughtform is that it exists inside of your subconscious, inside of your fears, inside of your imbalances of energy, and inside of the parts of you that you may not have access to. Banishing falls under the heading of Conflict, and it has its use, but you will find that banishing works less and less. You have to take the power away from the thoughtform, not reinforce its power over you. The exception to this is to do the banishing focusing on the thoughtform as a part of yourself. Recognizing the ritual and banishing rights as ONLY focusing on the self, no matter the symbolization used, can make a more potent form of banishing. In this case perception and focus are everything. If your banishing against a thought form and some part of you believes it may be external, you are feeding it. If you can hold with complete, perfect intent and understanding that it is a part of YOU that you are banishing, then you have a more potent tool.

Thought Control:

This is not just ignoring it, but counter thought to existing negative thoughts. This is all about taking back control of your mind. Many meditations such as mantra meditations, ZaZen, and QiGong fill this role when taken to the extreme. In honing the muscle of the mind that muscle can be applied to various situations. In mastering thought control you can rob the thoughtform of its power sources by negating fear, anger, agitation, anxiety, and other emotions that may be feeding it. This is the hardest, and yet the ultimate resolution, against a thought form. Ignoring it means you still give it credence, this comes down to forcing the sense to stop through sheer will. It's a hard skill to learn, and it is one learned through other skills. Much like repairing an engine is more than just replacing parts, there are many smaller skills necessary that are taken for granted.

External Help:

What follows are my recommendations for people having issues with thoughtforms who are seeking external help from other mystics. These are the things others can do to help you with this be they friends or professionals in the field.

Chakra Cleansing/Balancing: Either through directed energy work, Reiki, or even a talisman. This art form has a direct impact on your energy centers and provides you a good external help. It can not remove your thoughts from the thought form, and focusing on the thoughtform will still fuel it, but it removes the energies it feeds upon by balancing the energy centers it disrupts.

Reiki Healing: Mentioned above this has its own section because Reiki often helps with other energetic issues that falls outside of chakras. A Reiki session has a great impact on not just the chakras but also the pathways the energy flows through, the dantiens, and the spiritual body. It often covers more than just what the practitioner focuses on and by the nature of it balances to “remove illness” which the thoughtform could be considered.

Ritual Working: Rituals meant to heal, balance, or otherwise improve energy flow can be useful. These should be focused on balancing, not shutting down, and not restraining the flow of energy. This may be calling upon Gods or Goddesses, various forces or powers, or just a directed power of the practitioner. Ritual when focused on healing or balancing is incredibly valuable. You should avoid ritual that hyper charges your energy during this period as well as avoiding anything that is focused on JUST a single energy center. If you are turning to someone for help, you can't be 100% certain of your evaluation on which energy center is out of control and feeding the thoughtform. In this then you must focus on general wellness with the ritual work, anything to specialized could go from “balance” to “imbalance”.

Guidance: Often times those with more experience can provide guidance on what they've been through, or offer one on one advisement. Sometimes the best thing you can do is set up a time to talk with someone one on one and talk through your experiences to get advice.

Chakra Readings: If you know someone who reads chakras or has another way of looking at things this outside perspective can be of some benefit as well. Sometimes we enter into things being sure of what the situation is only to find out we were seeing what we wanted to. Having someone look over your chakra/energy system can be of some value. Remember often times people see things from their perspective, make sure you let the person know that you suspect an energy imbalance powering a thoughtform, this will prevent them from declaring the thoughtform as “certainly this or that spirit”and reinforcing its mask. A thoughtform can often hide itself, an energy imbalance can not.

Avoid Banishing: Banishing is a great tool against negative spirits, and generally once a banishing is done, its done. Unless you suspect you are in combat with another mystic of great skill, there is no reason for a spirit to come back once banished. They are gone, you are ground they can not walk near, and this lasts for quite a long time. Most spirits don't take enough interest in us to continue time and time again. However the act of banishing, since it is meant to work on a spirit not a manifestation of our subconscious will given power, will generally fail more often than not. This reinforces a feeling of hopelessness.

Embrace Cleansings: Getting a cleansing of the area around you is an awesome way to clear out negative energies that may be making the awakening process harder, or even helping to feed the thought form. Likewise thoughtforms, when negative, tend to do better in environments that are toxic so they promote a toxic environment. Cleansing done by yourself or others are incredibly useful. Do not put the expectation though that this will solve the whole problem, it removes a part of the source of the problem, not the whole of it.

Luck/Benefit Workings: When your life is doing better, your mood improves. This sounds simple, but its a good way to have an impact against the thoughtform, though again this is NOT a complete solution. Instead it is recognizing that even small workings done to help improve your life then help take your thoughts away from the negative, and your energy back into balance. Again, this is not the final solution, but it can be a part of it at times. When we are in a bad place in our lives depression takes hold, and sometimes only by having a better place to be in our lives can we remove the thoughtform's power and let it fade into sand.

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