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Barnible Rosewater
  • Barnible Rosewater

    $380.00 Regular Price
    $190.00Sale Price

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    A Gnome Storm Master, he wears dark blue clothing, and has a long white beard. He has a penchant for flashy magick, and using strong expressive manifestations of power. His focus is entirely storm magicks, storm mysticism, and utilizing this. Because of this while he is an incredibly formidable protector and fighter, he isn't defined by those qualities. To a lesser degree he is a student of all magicks and mysticism as well, but he always tries to bring it back to the power of nature's destructive energies and how those can bring creation and creative energies. He is vastly old and wise, and keeps his relatively youthful appearance through his drawing on the powerful energies of nature.


    Very social and friendly, in his free time he will often help others of the keep with their tasks. When not on a task or helping others in some way, he enjoys smoking a mix of herbs in his pipe, which can often bring the smell of incense to the home.


    Classification: Warrior 4, Guardian 5, Guide 7, Healer 7, Mystic 8, Generalist 2, Specialist 10

    Age: ~9,000 Years

    Offerings: All are accetpable

    Level: 38

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