Brethvin Galvanizer
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He is a stout, strong, brown bearded storm dwarf who wears leather armors, and wields weapons made of lightning, ice, and air. He is very focused as an elemental damage dealer and his mastery over electricity is extreme. He is a walking dynamo of power and destructive force. A warrior through and through, he is also a student of people and situations, and has the power to turn potential into kinetic energies. This means more than just the ability to wield lightning or to make a boulder leap into the air in the planes. It means he can turn potentials in our realm into more active energies. This grants him considerable versatility. He can also turn active kinetic energies back into potential energies. This can stop powerful attacks by stripping them of power in mid flight. As one who studies the world and the social dynamics of it, he makes as competent advisor as he is a defender and attacker.
Friendly, bold, and full of gusto. He is often found with a tanker of ale and a friendly smile. When not socializing with the rest of the keep, he can be found lifting weights and testing his limits energetically. When not testing his energetic limits though, he often can be found playing darts and other games of skill.
Classification: Warrior 10, Guardian 9, Guide 9, Healer 7, Mystic 6, Generalist 4, Specialist 8
Age: ~3,000 Years
Offerings: He enjoys ale or beer offerings, but accepts candle flame and incense readily and appreciates all offerings.
Level: 42