Fostill Benderill
He is a hansom, dashing Fae Warrior with light blue hair who is a weapons master with unique abilities. Rather than mastering older weapons, he has taken to the fire arm as his primary, and has taken a deep study into all magick arts. This allows him to load his weapons with fantastically powerful spell ammo. While he is a storm rider, he has used his powers to stop negative spirits that would cause a storm to do more harm to the unfortunate, and has done his job well for a long time time. He is constantly learning new arts of spell craft and mysticism, imparting these powers into his weapons, conjuring special ammo, and keeping a set of elemental ammunition in a pouch on his hip.
Personality wise he is charming, compassionate, easy to get along with, but dedicated. He spends his free time working on his marksmanship, learning new spells, and things of this nature. Still even the most dedicated need to relax,
Classification: Warrior 10, Guardian 3, Guide 7, Healer 7, Mystic 10, Generalist 5, Specialist 5
Age: ~8,000 Years
Offerings: All are accepted, though he prefers incense especially.
Level: 36