Kageden Rawflame
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A powerful male Red Dragon Sorcerer, he has power over fire and ash, as well as necromancy. His name is pronounced Kah-Gah-Den, and when not in dragon form he appears as a Sorcerer with no hair wearing black and red mystical robes. He appears as a black and red dragon in his dragon form.
Intense, but also friendly, he has a unique kind of “passionate calm” almost like a rumbling that emanates from his presence alone. He has a dark sense of justice, feeling that a little extra more than is “balanced” is necessary to prevent relapses from foes.
He has vast power over ash, flame, and energies of that nature. Utilizing ash and flame he can access necromantic powers through the essence of ashes, call forth the willing dead to serve him if they have been creamated, and summon flames of the underworld. Likewise his ashes can be used to confuse and confound enemies, acting as a form of illusion or deception.
Age: ~1,000 Years
Offerings: Candle Offerings primarily.
Level: 26
Categorization: Leader, Specialized Mystic