Krestellion Lunarhouse
A Lunar Dark Elf mystic warrior, she wields lunar magicks, dark energies, and amazing levels of accuracy in the martial to achieve fantastic results. Focused heavily on lunar energies and darkness, she moves in and out of the shadows naturally, easily, and can manipulate dark and shadow energies. Using moonlight energies she can create weapons of pure moon light essence, which upon cutting leave wounds that are harder to heal than traditional energy techniques and weapons. She favors wielding a pair of long thin bladed swords. She has an aggressive fighting style that mixes blades and magick, constantly shifting between her weapons and spells.
Appearing as an Elven woman with pale skin, dark black hair, and pointed ears, she has a gentle smile when not engaged in combat, and is immensely beautiful. While she is a warrior and a mystic, in her free time she enjoys reading, cooking, and gardening of nightshade plants.
Classification: Warrior 10, Guardian 7, Guide 4, Healer 5, Mystic 7, Generalist 1, Specialist 5
Age: ~400 Years
Offerings: She prefers incense offerings, or scented oils, but will accept candle ones.
Level: 36