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Regina Shieldmaiden
  • Regina Shieldmaiden

    $320.00 Regular Price
    $160.00Sale Price

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    A beautiful, muscular Aesir mystic she has long brown hair, and often wears furs. She focuses almost entirely on shield energies and has powerful shielding abilities. With the ability to use shields to fight she can shape a shields energy into a blade to cut, crush foes under force fields, turn blasts, arrows, and weapons away and sending them back to their point of origin, and much more. She is a confident, competent strong willed woman. She is a shield master, from a long line of shield master women, with a craft passed down from her mother, and her mothers mother, and so on.


    She has a strong nature to her, and isn't much for conversation, but does enjoy good music of all forms, art, and any competition games she can view or watch. While she doesn't speak much, she does listen, and cares with all her heart. For her, she is a woman of action, and will seek to find solutions to problems. With her vast array of skills using her shield abilities, she's skilled and solving much in life, sometimes blocking off foes or negative energies, other times blocking off influences or shifts in the natural energy to aid her allies.


    Age: ~1,500 Years

    Offerings: All are acceptable, though she enjoys fruit the most.

    Level: 32


    Classification: Defender/Shielder, Melee Focused, Ranged Focused, Specialized Mystic

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