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Virin Staffborn
  • Virin Staffborn

    $360.00 Regular Price
    $108.00Sale Price

    Part dwarf and part Fae, he appears as a tall, hansom man with brown hair, hansom features, a gentle smile, and sporting well kept hair as well as a goatee and mustache. He often appears almost like a thinner lumber jack, and wields a thin sleek axe. His powers are centered around healing, protection, and nature.


    Friendly, kind, and compassionate. He's easy to get along with, the kind of guy who in a bar would invite you for a drink if he seen you wanted to join in but couldn't, or would shield you from a bully if someone was picking on you. He's both “a man's man” and yet with such a gentle nature the epitome of calm and peace.


    He has a number of abilities centered around nature energies, moving with a supernatural harmony and calm when he is in motion, and yet with a kind of forcefulness that comes with his appearance. He taps into the flowing magicks of nature itself, and can utilize that to amplify himself, but also bring peace to an area. In the planes he selects trees that represent problems that are rooted, or that disrupt the flow in the plane, and removes them. He then takes and planes the wood making long intricate Dwarf and Fae rune carvings and replants them. Over time, the trees grow so “problems” he removes then regrow as fruitful advantages. In the planes this means improving energy flow, in our realm it means turning problems into solutions. As a guardian he is top notch, and has a smooth flowing nature when he fights, yet a brutal strength with each movement. With his knowledge and connection to both Dwarven and Fae magicks he has a unique mix of crafting and shifting skills that go beyond even what we've listed, but we've hit on the more interesting ones.


    Age: ~2,000 Years

    Offerings: All offerings are welcome.

    Level: 36


    Categorization: Healer, Melee Focused, Problem Solver, Specialized Mystic, Defender/Shielder

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