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Weshenwell Dorstraugh
  • Weshenwell Dorstraugh

    $240.00 Regular Price
    $72.00Sale Price

    A red haired Fae, of the Leanan Sidhe variety, who often wears blue dresses, and has bright white wings. She is well spoken, well red, and has a variety of knowledge on all things magickal, mystical, or arcane from her people.


    She is not as much a warrior as she is a scholar, often with her head in books. She is very interested in the nature of humanity, why we are as we are while only living a short period of time, and considers us unique and powerful because of how quickly we can grow and evolve. She enjoys learning about human cultures and traditions. With an upbeat and friendly personality she is genuinely fun and interesting to be around. She is around a thousand years old, and enjoys most offerings.


    Age: ~1,000 Years

    Offerings: Any are acceptable

    Level: 24


    Categorization: Diverse Mystic, Guide/Teacher

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      This expediates the process for us, letting us keep our pricing low compared to our unprecedented levels of power, as well allowing us to offer better deals more often. This also means we can be much faster for large preconjure orders in getting them out to our clients. On phones you can easily screen shot the images and descriptions for your records, and on other devices there are easy options to save images, and copy descriptions to your choice of offline or cloud based document services.

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