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ATS Grade 2 – Living Servitors

ATS Grade 2 – Living Servitors


Our Ascended Transcendent Class Servitors (ATS) are capable of independent thought, free will, subconscious action and reaction. These servitors are fully customizable allowing you to choose their personality, form, and traits. They are able to learn the soul sword from our shop, and while they have free will they can be made for protection. The one thing we do code into that free will is an unfailing loyalty to you. All ATS come with a basic morality, but that can be molded as well upon request, this means they won't start conflicts or hostilities without a good reason, and will try to work alongside others in your keep. All ATS Must keep a basic respect for life on some level, though they can kill in self defense or defense of others.

Ascended Transcendent Class Servitors can deal with complex tasks, act independently, travel to various planes, and solve more complex problems than a simpler servitor design. They are effectively artificial spiritual life, with all the ups and downs that come with life. Transcendent Class Servitors have been designed to be able to accept the Soul Sword Attunement and make great companions and allies, with a depth of intellect rivaling other entities, and are ranked on our power scale in the same way we rank spirits. This class of servitor is capable of growth, adaptation, and advancement through life.

We highly recommend for our ATS that you consider using a template, or ideas from works of fiction or art to help with the design of the ATS.

We do not make ATS to be purely for the purpose of sex, as they have the advantages of free will and life that allow them to be dynamic as a living being.

With all our Servitor Creation Services we use your design as a final working form so there will be no write up, we will simply send them to you once completed. Alternatively you can allow us creative freedom in the implementation of the servitor and we'll include a write up of the things we've added to them in terms of abilities and functions. Servitors should be made with a focus or goal in mind, and ones designed with too many extraneous abilities may be weaker as they become more generalist instead of specialist. Servitors should be limited to 3 unique or special abilities within their design without prior contact with us to discuss the details of a design. Servitors based on a template however, if you can provide information on that template or online resources, will include the abilities of the template up to the capability and power rating of the servitor.


ATS Grades:


ATS Grade 1 (ATSG1), are our previous Transcended Class Servitors. ATSG1 does not require a talisman, but can not be upgraded in power beyond level ~50 using the additional upgrade services. If you purchase the upgrade and it would push the ATSG1 (without a talisman) beyond level 50, we can and will still do the work, but the power will degrade over time, and we take no responsibility for that power loss.


ATSG1 can become an ATSG2 by having a Spirit Booster Talisman Made for them. This can be for a talisman you provide via picture, or one we create via Talisman Creation Services. Upon request during the creation of an ATS1, we will link it to a talisman of your choosing that you already have, but we will only provide this service free during the creation phase.


Buying a talisman for an ATSG1 Listing is the same as creating a lower level ATSG2, and is a way to create a lower level ATS that you intend to upgrade in terms of power in the future without going the Spirit Booster Talisman road.


ATS Grade 2 (ATSG2), are our original Ascended Transcended Grade Servitors. They MUST be talisman bound as the talisman provides them a maximized level of power increase. They are a living type of servitor the same as the ATSG1 but vastly more powerful. We can NOT create ATSG2 without a talisman, so a talisman MUST be created, but their power is linked to their seal. This means if the original talisman is lost or destroyed they can transfer to a new talisman by using the included seal, and placing the talisman on top of it. ATSG2 can be linked to a talisman you already have, we call this remote linking.


If you choose remote linking that means you must provide a picture of the item on your side that we are linking them to and we will use our seal to imprint on that object at a distance. It is best to have a unique and otherwise un-enchanted crystal, talisman, or object for the ATS transfer. After we have transferred the ATS to the new talisman we will destroy the original, completing the link fully.


If the current talisman IS destroyed they will take the power and anchor to a new talisman of your choosing when you print the seal out and place that object upon it. ATSG2 are significantly more powerful than our strongest ATSG1 type servitor having the benefits of a very powerful talisman as well as the benefits of a living servitor.


ATS began as a custom request for a client, but were found to be so powerful that we decided to list this phenomenal option in our shop.


All ATS Include the Following:

  • Empowered Servitor Seal
  • Unfailing loyalty to their master
  • Ability to act independently from the Vessel's location
  • Intellect, they are capable of complex thought, and the ability to gain experience, and
  • grow.
  • Security protocol(self-check, restore) in the event they were somehow able to be manipulated directly they can go back to their original point of creation while retaining memories and experiences as information.


Level: We now list our ATS by Conjuration Level using our baseline for our conjuration services as a guide.  Previous ATS Levels can be calculated by the ATS Level times 4.




ATS Creation Addons can be found Here


Universal Mystic Knowledge:

The Universal Mystic Knowledge provides a servitor a direct link to the universal flow of knowledge. The same flows that power inspiration, flowing too, through, and from the Akashic Records this power gives a considerable boost to the mystical ability of an ATS in the form of instant awareness of information from these places.


Essence Rituals:

If your ATS is based on a mythological being, a person of history, or some force of nature/the world the Essence Rituals provide a considerable increase in raw power from those origin sources. We draw the ambient energy of the mythos, force, or person but not the spirit of them into the Servitor for this. This gives them some of the knowledge, and some of the flow of power from those higher forces.


Vessel Selection:

If you want your ATS connected to a vessel with its seal laser etched on it, remember to purchase a vessel talisman from our store. Otherwise we will remote bind to a vessel of your choosing. ATS must be bound to vessel and can not be bound to self/spirit/body. You will still recieve a seal for the binding, and for moving the ATS to a new vessel if the need arises. 

    • ATS Design

      ATS Design: These are more created beings, than actual servitors. While they are vastly powerful, and incredibly loyal, they are still living beings. When creating a servitor using a template, very little extra information other than minor changes to the template is needed. For more complex designs use the following format in an e-mail to us. If a design is EXTREMELY complicated, has a lot of information, or a massive design e-mail we may require one or more consultatoin fees to cover our time if we (RQL) are expected to improve or rebuild that design.


      • Being Name:
      • Physical Description:
      • Personality:
      • Interests:
      • Powers and Abilities:
      • Simple list formats of each ability, short descriptions.

      • All Pictures/Media linked to at the in, no inline attachments.

    © 2022 by The Rosequartz Labyrinth

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